In All Seriousness

I just can’t be serious all the time. I guess after years of blogging here, I’ve become accustomed to only writing about things that really irritate me, or things I’m really passionate about. This might lead one to believe I’m an angry stuffed-shirt curmudgeon who disapproves of everything.

But that’s the furthest thing from the truth. I’m actually a very laid-back, chilled kind of guy. Anybody who’s met me in person knows that… if I were any more laid back, I wouldn’t have a pulse.

And yet in my day-to-day life, I don’t get to discuss things like theology, economics, politics, music theory, programming, and so on. They’re just not common topics of conversation. This is a large reason why I blog about that stuff here. And of course, anybody here is welcome to discuss anything civilly. I relish those opportunities to think and talk about things besides Sportsball and Hunting (the two national passtimes of southern Louisiana). I have absolutely nothing against those things, but I also don’t really care about them, either.

I don’t want to seem indifferent about everything though. I don’t really hate a lot of things. Driving while texting/calling, yes… I despise that with the burning fire of a thousand suns. But I don’t hate people as much as I hate seeing the effects of what people do. Sometimes it gets depressing, honestly.

But not to fear! I haven’t lost my sense of humor. Maybe I need to post funny cat pics, cause you can never have too many of those, right?

DOg chasing dog FAIL GIF

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