Finding Your Sweet Spot

First: Happy 2015!

I’ve spent the last few years trying to redefine myself as a person. I found I’d been wandering through life, just kind of going through the motions. But we know that God has bigger plans for us… not bigger in the sense of “larger” but bigger in the sense of “having more impact on the world.”

And let’s be honest: the only thing we’re here for is to serve as an example of God’s love. We have to balance “dying to self” and living out God’s plans for our lives. Where do we draw the line? How can we balance our own passions and God’s passions?

The answer is simple. Our passions are put there by God. I’m not talking about our wants and desires; I’m talking about what things make our souls fulfilled. Things of value, things that make our hearts glow with purpose.

For me, it wasn’t a matter of figuring out what I like to do, or what I’m good at. There’s a never-ending list of things I’m interested in! What I needed to ask is “which of my interests is both spiritually fulfilling, and can meet a need in God’s kingdom?” Continue reading “Finding Your Sweet Spot”