Fitness Check Today

I’m starving.

Well, I haven’t eaten anything since yesterday, and I’ve been trying to work all day on an empty stomach. I’ve gotten to the point where I fell pretty bad if I don’t eat… which means I don’t have a lot of spare energy stored in the form of fat.

In about an hour, I’m going to get my company-provided health screening, and I’ll be able to see my BMI and body fat%, plus cholesterol and blood pressure. And of course, I had to fast for the blood tests.

I’m hoping everything comes out well.

UPDATE- The results are in. The numbers look good:

My blood pressure has dropped from 140/90 (about six months ago) to 115/75. I think that’s due to cycling more, and cutting out caffeinated coffee. I feel great.

Also, my BMI has been steadily hovering around 23, and it was interesting to see how that was distributed. They suggested I gain about 4 pounds of muscle mass, and lose 13 pounds of fat. Total body fat was measured at 22%. Seeing how skinny I am, it’s kind of hard to imagine! But I do still have some fat around my waist (the test verified this). I could always increase muscle mass by eating lean protein and lifting weights, or doing sprint drills/hill repeats on the bike. Though to be honest, my arms could use it more than my legs.

I’ve been tossing around the idea of an upper-body strength regimen for a while, but I never seem to find the right routine that works for me. I’ll keep working on that and see what I can do. Maybe sit ups and push ups are all that’s needed.

As for my cholesterol, they didn’t test that! Apparently, the company’s budget didn’t include that this year. Pft. I can get it done at my regular doctor’s visits pretty cheaply.