Approaching Ground Zero

In a few days, my “day job” (here’s a hint: it isn’t blogging) will ramp up for a month or so of crazy production. It will involve copious amounts of overtime, probably some extra days, and lots of overtime pay.

Yes I get paid overtime, because I’m an hourly worker, and I refuse to work another salary job. I’ve been there, I’ve done that, I will never do it again. I generally have issues with large mega-corporations (even though the one I work for is one of the better ones) and I also don’t like corporate politics, stupidity, wastefulness, attitude, and greed. Pretty much all things I’m sworn to destroy.

Ah, but for the lack of a paycheck…

Anyway, if I don’t post a lot over the next month or so, that’s why. Hopefully I’ll get time to breathe.