Some Things Money Can’t Buy

I don’t rant very often, and most people who know me would say I’m a very laid-back guy (some people say if I were any more laid back, I wouldn’t have a pulse). But sometimes, my cynical side thinks bad things about expensive bikes, and snobbish cyclists… and I have to take a long, hard look at what I really enjoy about riding a bike.

I like real casual group rides, the kind where they might stop for donuts and coffee. I’m not interested in Snagging a Strava KOM. I like hanging with my buds, getting lost and finding new trails and roads. I’m the guy who shows up to group rides in baggy shorts and a 35 year old Raleigh, and proceeds to ride whenever, wherever. My jersey pockets aren’t stuffed with Blok Shots, probably just bananas, PB&J and some trail mix in my panniers.

I’ll admit it, I’m tempted to over-think cycling, and so are a lot of other people. But at the end of the day, I don’t need a bunch of stuff to enjoy cycling. That’s part of why I started riding to work. I didn’t want to just ride as a hobby. I wanted it to be a normal part of my life, like breathing, or eating. I wanted to make a difference in the world, and a change in my life.

And I think, overall, I’ve accomplished that. I’ll admit it, my bikes are heavy, mostly cheap, and cobbled together from spare parts. Even if I were concerned about weight, I couldn’t spend serious coin on a bicycle. And I’m here to tell you you don’t have to. I’ve been around long enough to know what you ride isn’t as important as how much you ride. And even that pales in comparison to how much you love to ride. I will always have respect for someone who puts down big miles, especially if they do it on a cheap/heavy bike. Bonus points if you built the bike yourself. Don’t think that you have to have to lay out a lot of money to have a decent commuter bike. Usually, you can use what you have already, and just add to it as you go.

This is how I got started, with a cheap bike. Continue reading “Some Things Money Can’t Buy”

Waiting For The Muse To Strike

There are some days when I am fired up about Getting Things Done®. Then there are days when I’m exhausted and fighting a head cold, and I don’t feel like doing anything. So what’s a creative soul to do when you feel like yuck, and the inspiration just doesn’t come?

For me, this comes as a struggle, because I’ve conditioned myself to think I can be creative on demand. Now, I know that’s not the case. I can no more be creative on demand than I can control my involuntary reflexes. However, there’s something to be said for just showing up. Chances are, you’re not going to get anything written if you just stay in bed! But if you sit down at the word processor, at least there’s a possibility.

Sometimes when you’re not feeling creative, but you know you should be, you just have to take some medicine and show up to see what happens. Sometimes, you won’t make much progress, but that’s progress that wouldn’t wouldn’t have made at all if you hadn’t tried. So in a way, you can be creative on demand. It just takes a little time.

I guess what I’m saying is, waiting on the Muse to speak is somewhat overrated. Sometimes the creative juices are there, and you just need to engage them to see what comes out.

If you’ve had a rough week/month/year of creative pursuits, don’t fret. Just sit down at the word processor/digital audio workstation and just do something. 

“Formulaic” Is a Four-letter Word

As I’m listening to Praise and Worship radio on Pandora, I’ve noticed a trend. It seems like what 90% of the songs are doing is re-hashing top songs from 3-5 years ago. In the secular music world, you don’t have 5 artists doing the same song on the radio at the same time, do you? Is the Christian music market becoming so formulaic that all you have to do is cover a few songs, speed them up 15 BPM and add a strong drum track with a backbeat? Does that justify a new recording? Are they really doing anything different? To their credit, there are a few artists who are getting airplay that are playing original songs, not in the “Nashville Standard” sounding format.

It thrills my heart to hear people doing new music for God. As much as I like the standards (and a lot of the “new” standards) it shows much more skill, talent, and calling to produce new worship music that doesn’t fit the Nashville radio formula.

Do yourselves a favor, listen to new groups like Starfield, Mali Music, and a slew of others. They are either 1. playing all new worship music, or 2. playing old and new, but with a very unique style.

After a while, even the “tried and true” worship albums get old. You can only listen to so many remakes of “Revelation Song” or “Open the Eyes of My Heart” or “In Christ Alone” or… you get the idea. Those songs are fantastic in their own rights, but let’s be real. The original artists pretty much gave it everything they had, and you’re not going to top that by trying to recreate that performance. If you’re doing a concert somewhere, I can see playing a few songs that everybody knows. But releasing an album of “classics” from less than 10 years ago? No. You’re not doing the original artists or songs justice. You know, at some point, Michael W. Smith was an unknown songwriter. He didn’t start off with “Place in This World”. Chris Tomlin had to sit down and come up with “Indescribable” on his own.

Heck, there are plenty of long-standing groups that don’t re-hash songs. Guys like Steven Curtis Chapman. Even though he’s from the Nashville area, his music never seems formulaic or stale. He’s always writing new stuff, and to top it off, he’s a phenomenal guitarist in his own right. Israel Houghton writes a lot of new music as well, and does it in a way that’s very fresh. Groups like Salvador, Third Day, the O.C. Supertones, and Audio Adrenaline. They all do worship music (and other thematic music) that’s fresh, well done, and unique. You’re hopefully not going to hear weak re-hashes of “Holiness/Take My Life” on their albums (unless it’s a live album).

It seems to me that almost everybody wants to copy Chris Tomlin, and rightly so. He’s one of the most successful CCM artists in the last 10 years or so, even surpassing greats like Michael W. Smith. His band’s sound and musical style is very close to U2, even down to the delay-drenched guitar riffs over soaring vocal refrains. The problem is, Chris Tomlin has already done Chris Tomlin (and, some would argue, so has U2). His “formula” (and even singing his exact songs) isn’t going to work for every new artist that comes along.

And so, I want to end with two thoughts. First, I don’t want to make it seem like all artists are wrong when the redo a Worship song. Usually it’s not even their choice, most of that is decided by the record label (which is a whole other rant). But secondly, I want to encourage you, the listener (and those of you who play music, too) to not just re-hash your worship experience. God is so vast, so incredibly complex and unknowable, there’s no reason to limit your worship of Him to the latest top 10 CCM hits. He is the ultimate in creativity, and as His creation (and followers), we are called to bring Him glory. Re-hashing music to “make it” in the industry isn’t really doing God, or yourself, any favors.

This applies to writers, too. Don’t feel like you ever have to write in a specific formula/genre to “fit in” to the market. Write what God has laid on your heart, and that’s where you will find Him.


A Time For Rest, A Time To Work

So, I decided to go on a bike ride this morning. It was extremely foggy… nothing I haven’t dealt with before… but I’m also getting over a bad cold and I didn’t want to push myself. Still, this is significant, because I haven’t ridden my bike outside in about 2 months. I don’t know why. I guess there’s just so much going on with my personal life right now, I just haven’t had time. We’re in the process of trying to go gluten-free to diagnose digestive issues with our family. We’re struggling with schooling our kids from home. I’m fighting to get enough sleep to actually be useful when I’m home, when my job is constantly asking me to spend more time working.

All things considered, we’re doing pretty well despite these challenges. But cycling has just had to take a back burner until things get a little less crazy. I don’t like this, but it’s just the way it is.

I do want to get back to commuting by bike, even though the shortest route is out of commission for a year due to bridge construction. So right there, that’s an extra 3 miles a day… not the best way to encourage me to get back on the bike.

My bike is pretty much is serious need of maintenance. It needs a new drive train, and a new rear tire. Needs new cables, a good cleaning, could use some barrel adjusters on the brakes too. I need to eventually replace the steel FSA headset and stem on it, they add about a pound each. Really could use to re-wrap the handlebars, too.

I won’t even get into how much work I need to do with my music stuff, it’s just coming along slowly. I still need to finish my pedal board and get it working, but even that is just a want… not a need.

What do I need? I don’t know. I need rest. Felt good to get out on the bike this morning, though. Even with the fog, it was nice.

NaNoWriWon’t, a.k.a. Why We Write

Anybody who knows about NaNoWriMo is now in the throes of writing feverishly, hoping to crank out the elusive 50,000 word novel in 30 days.

I’ve done it. It’s not all it’s cracked up to be. Cranking out 1,665 words a day takes me about 2 hours, give or take… and that doesn’t include breaks. The real question is, do I have two hours a day to devote to writing a book that I might have to go back and re-write anyway?

Well, no, I don’t have time to waste. And in the grand scheme of things, I have to stop and ask myself, “Self, do I really even need to write another book?” This is a question every writer should ask themselves, really. And sometimes, the answer might surprise you.

What it boils down to is, “Did God call me to write a book?” and if the answer is yes, then by all means, do what you have to do to write a book. Don’t stop until it’s finished! But if the answer is “I don’t know” then you’ve got some thinking to do.

Why do we write? Is it because we enjoy it? Is it because we’d like to make money at it? Do we write just because somebody once told us “Hey, you’re good at writing, you should write a book”? Or maybe, just maybe, it’s your calling. Maybe it’s what God has gifted you to do. You believe your story is going to change somebody’s life, and maybe (probably) change yours in the writing process. But after years of doing things, I’ve realized (i.e. God has shown me) that just because you’re good at something, doesn’t mean God has called you to do that thing.

This will come as a shock to many. It was a shock to me when I realized it. “Why would God give me a talent if He didn’t want me to use it?” That’s also a valid question, one I’ve asked myself countless times. He does want you to use it! But the answer to how we use it lies in where your life is going, and what God has called you to do with your life overall. You see, “writing” as a verb isn’t a calling. You can use writing to do something, to accomplish something for God. But the act of writing in itself isn’t a calling. It’s what you do with your writing that matters. And honestly, if God calls you to do something that requires writing, you don’t have to be the best at it for God to use you. But you need to use your talents to do the will of God.

Just let that sink in for a minute, okay?

So where do we look for motivation? Why are we writing? The only way to know for sure is to seek out what God wants for your life, and make sure you’re doing what God has put you here to do. How you accomplish that is up to you, but you need to find your motivation first. Only then, once you realize why you write, can you find writing freedom.

Are you ministering to people? Are you touching people’s lives? Are you bringing truth to them? Are you filling a need with your writing that you feel God has told you to conquer? Then by all means, get writing! I believe God has given me a reason to write, and so I will do what I can.

(by the way, this post is 580 words!)

Knowing Your Boundaries

As I was doing yard work yesterday on my day off of work (yes, I do my own yard work) I realized after a while, after I had stopped, that I had done too much. Now, let’s be honest here. I’m not that young any more, and I’m not in as great shape as I’d like to think. I’m pushing 40, and I’ve got more than one strike against me when it comes to physical limitations. But I’ll admit it, I overworked myself.

How did I know I had done too much? Maybe it was that my hands were still numb and tingly 30 minutes after I was done. Maybe it was the fact that I fell asleep on the couch before the kids’ bedtime routine even started. All I know is that one minute I’m working, and the next minute I’m flat on my back, wondering which truck hit me. Everything after that (and most of today, as well) has been a blur.

What happened is that I couldn’t tell when I had reached my limit. As long as I could keep moving and working, then I must be okay, right? Until I stop (or am forced to stop) and realize just how much I overdid it. It’s easy to see in hindsight, like most problems. I should know after all these years how far I can push myself without causing adverse physical effects, but I don’t. I get so caught up with doing what I think needs to be done, I miss the signs, and next thing you know I’ve blown myself up.

Why don’t we know when to stop? We change physically over time. Just because I could work in the heat for 8 hours when I was 20 doesn’t mean I can do it when I’m 40. Just because something we did worked years ago doesn’t mean it will still work like we remember. Sometimes our memories of something supersede our current circumstances, often to our own detriment. If I don’t exercise daily, then my threshold for exercise slowly declines.

That sounds awfully familiar… Continue reading “Knowing Your Boundaries”

Fighting Ego

For the last year or so, I’ve been (slowly) working towards simplifying my life. This has been both educational, and very difficult. It’s only when you realize how much modern America has strayed from it’s self-sufficient roots that you begin to realize how radical Frugality is nowadays. Years ago, fixing your own car or canning your own home-grown produce was not just commonplace, it was expected. People sewed their own clothes, for goodness’ sake! Shoes got repaired, not replaced. People rode bikes everywhere. It was unusual for a family to have more than one car, if they had one at all.

Today, life looks much different. On one hand, I’m totally repulsed by it. On the other hand, I’ve been raised in it long enough that I’ve adapted to it, and have come to expect things will be there when I want them. I’m used to getting whatever I want, whether or not I can afford it.

This is called Hedonic Adaptation. Basically, the idea is that despite America (or any other developed country) having more riches and amenities than any other time in the history of the human race, we’re not really that much happier than people were hundreds of years ago.

What it boils down to is this: we quickly adapt to the level of comfort we are given, and over time, what was once “awesome” now becomes “ordinary” because well, everybody’s got one. Nobody missed the iPhone 5 fifty years ago, because nobody knew what one was, and nobody cared. They didn’t miss it. They didn’t need it. People could still call their friends on the phone, and could still send them text messages (written on paper, but still…) but today, a smartphone is seen as a “necessity.”

Let me tell you something: Smartphones are not necessary to be happy. Continue reading “Fighting Ego”

“Joy To the World” Isn’t Just For Christmas

Sometimes, you just have to stop trying to be happy.

Where in life do we balance “being content” with “reaching for more”? Paul says in Phillipians 4:13 that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” He was referring to those who live in plenty, or live in poverty… this applies spiritually and physically. Sometimes we just need to be content with where we are, and understand that God will give us what we need, and get us through.

There are times, however, when being content with misery isn’t going to work. You can say all you want about being humble, but God doesn’t want us to be miserable, either. If there is more misery in your life than joy, there’s a good reason for it… just not the reason you’d expect. The church today (little “c”) has found success in promising people happiness and comfort. And yes, if happiness comes from physical comfort, then they’re very good at making church members “happy.”  But Jesus never promised fame, fortune, or worldly success. Or happiness.

So if that’s the case, where does our contentment, our peace, our joy come from? And what’s the difference anyway? Well, our joy comes from God… not doing things for God, not learning about God, not talking about God. Joy comes from God Himself.

There is no formula. There isn’t a “if X then Y” flowchart. The only way to have Joy is to be in the presence of God. And that looks different for everybody. You may feel closest to God when you pour through scripture. You might feel close to God when you’re singing praises, or helping the poor, or painting a picture. But, it comes with common sense, too. You can’t say “I feel closest to God when I’m downing a fifth of Vodka.” Sorry, but what you’re feeling isn’t God… that’s momentary happiness, maybe. Certainly not Joy, because the funny thing about Joy is that is doesn’t wear off easily. If we spend time with God steadily, it doesn’t wear off at all. And most importantly, Joy from God doesn’t leave you feeling drained, worn out, or hung over.

When you get to the point where you’re trying so hard to be close to God that you’re worn out, you can pretty much bet you’ve left God behind. He’s not in the maelstrom, he’s not in the typhoon, he’s not in the earthquake… God is that still, small voice, calling to you in your exhaustion and misery.

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.
Matthew 11:28-30 – MSG

Saving Money The Hard Way

Every now and then, stuff breaks. That’s shocking, I know, right? But it does. It might be your clothes dryer, your car, your TV, or who knows what. Sometimes you can fix these things, and sometimes you can’t. But if you can take the time to learn how to fix things, it’s worth the time invested! let me explain.

If you have, let’s say a car, that snapped a timing belt. Well, the first thing you do is make sure it’s the timing belt. Do you know how to check the timing belt on your car? Do you even know what a timing belt is? Time to learn. Go go Google and find out.

Then, you need to know if a timing belt something you can replace on your own. Sometimes a snapped timing belt will destroy an engine… sometimes it won’t. It depends on whether the engine is an interference design or not. If it’s not, then chances are there’s no serious damage. Do some research and find out!

If your engine isn’t an interference engine, and you know it’s the timing belt that went out, then you’re in luck! You can probably fix it yourself, for less than $50. It will just take some research, and about 5 hours or so. Chances are your car would be in the shop more than 5 hours, so overall, this isn’t bad.

Yes, the photo in this post is me changing a timing belt. I already had the tools, but tools can be borrowed (usually for free from an auto parts store) and information can be learned. It’s not that bad.

The real thing I want people (that means you, reader!) to understand is that it’s not as hard to fix things as you’d think. Some people say “I don’t have the mechanical aptitude to fix anything!” but I don’t believe that. There are tons of articles and videos on the internet that can walk you through it, step-by-step. You can save thousands of dollars this way! I’m not trying to stiff mechanics and repairmen, but let’s be honest, their time isn’t cheap. Most repairs aren’t that hard.

Don’t be afraid to do some research on your problem to figure it out for yourself. The added bonus is, once you’ve learned how to fix something, that’s a permanent skill! If you keep adding to your list of skills, eventually you will be confident enough to tackle jobs you never thought you could.

This is how I got started in frugal mechanics… out of necessity. Now I do it because I can, and the long-term benefits are well worth it!

What are some things you’ve accomplished that you never thought you could tackle?