I’m intrigued by so-called “Geek Fitness” blogs. Technically, I guess I’d fit into that category, but not entirely. Off the top of my head, I can think of at least three geek-oriented fitness blogs that have started and failed (gone silent) in the last year or so.
I think the major reason they’ve failed is that they don’t have enough content to really make it as fitness blogs, and not enough geeky stuff to keep people’s interests.
As much success as I’ve had with being a physically fit nerd, there’s only so much new information I can post. And I’m also pretty frugal, so I won’t be doing tons of reviews on expensive fitness toys. I mean, have you seen the price of cycling power meters?? Yes, I have an exciting weight loss story, but I haven’t really needed to start anything new. I’m still just riding my bike, and watching what I eat, like when I started five years ago.
The key to a regular fitness routine is: find something that works for you. Something you enjoy doing. Things like:
- Cycling
- Running
- Martial Arts
- Dancing games like DDR, PIU, or Zumba. Even Wii Fit!
- CrossFit
- Parkour
- Zombie Runs
Of course, there are more, but these all have appeal in some way or other. But if you love doing it, it’s much easier to fit it into your schedule.
And for all the guys and girls who want to do a “Geek Fitness” blog? There’s an audience out there for you! But you have to have more content.