Holiday Fun

So, holiday break is upon our household. The youngest girls finally got little critters of their own, some mice and goldfish (named Susan, Lucy, Bumper, and Dolphin, respectively). This brings our non-human critter count up to 11!


Meanwhile, everyone in the house except mom came down with the flu. 103 fevers abounded, but we’re finally done with that, too!

So now I get to catch up on all the projects. The good thing is, I don’t have to spend 10 hours at work, and then fix things.

Hopefully this will afford me the opportunity to get some music stuff in order, and maybe even some recording! Even so, it’s been fantastic being at ease, and at home. Debbie is already commenting on how much nicer I am when I’m not on a work schedule.

We had a pretty minimal Christmas planned for the kids, and so far, they’ve been exceptionally happy. We didn’t budget as frugally as possible, but we spent less on 4 than some people spend on one kid. They are quite content, and we’ve tried very hard to get the kids to understand what Christmas is really about, with pretty good success.

So, how has your December gone so far?  I pray it’s a great one! And Merry Christmas, one and all.