Brave New World

As I posted about previously, I’ve decided in my feeble attempts to remain modern, hip, and “relevent” I’m diving into trying WordPress’ new Gutenberg editor. There will be some things you might notice, like drop caps and such. You may see some spacing or paragraph types that look weird.

On my end, things look much different. There aren’t any controls to modify blocks, other than adding colors or external CSS classes… which means I would have to learn CSS to be able to make any use of these blocks.

There’s no “more” bar to insert, there’s no font options, no settings to modify. In essence, the editor has changed from a word processor to a graphic layout editor. And as I said, I’m a writer… not a coder. But I discover when you click the magic “+” button between blocks… holy cow, there’s everything!

Continue reading “Brave New World”

Blog Woes (and Other First World Problems)

A big part of having a blog is writing stuff. And as a semi-serious writer, I don’t really have a lot of time to mess with stuff that’s gimmicky. I need something simple, effective, and trouble-free.

For writing blog posts, I normally would use the WordPress editor- until I discovered they recently replaced it with a piece of garbage something called the “Gutenberg Editor.” I’ll be honest: the new WordPress Gutenberg block editor is extremely frustrating and unintuitive for me. And I’m not alone. As for now, you can install a plugin that lets you revert back to the classic WordPress TinyMCE editor (why do I even have to manually install something for that??).

But the absolute worst part of this whole disaster is that WordPress admins and developers absolutely don’t care at all that everybody hates it. This alone is enough reason to give me pause.

Realistically, this is a huge PR disaster for Automattic. They have gotten so much negative press for this, they’d have to be blind not to realize this mandatory rollout was a huge mistake. It even caused their Accessibility lead developer to resign.

I’m not a web developer or a programmer- I’m a writer. I don’t do custom coded plugins, I don’t use custom media types, I don’t mess with CSS or PHP unless I have to, and even if I did, there are already plugins that handle all those functions.

I don’t use’s commercial products- I use the open-source software backend to run my self-hosted site. I feel like they should be free to develop whatever they want for paying clients as need be, but the backend should have been left alone. It’s painfully obvious they only were considering their commercial clients, and not the thousands of developers (running millions of sites) that use the backend in different ways. Even with thousands of pieces of feedback saying this was a bad idea, they went forward with it anyway.


In an attempt to not sound like a whiny brat, I’m going to actually try to make something good out of this. I understand why changed their editor to compete with other layout-driven website designers like Wix. I understand that the old editor had issues. I know there needed to be improvement (even if I vehemently disagree with the direction they went).

So in order for me to fully use the Gutenberg editor, it will require me to learn what it can do, and why. Only then will I be able to give constructive feedback to hopefully make it better for people like me, who don’t care about all the developer stuff and just want to write.

Going forward, I will be documenting my foray into the Brave New World of blocks and web developing and all that stuff, even if only for me to be able to have a well-reasoned argument as to why I don’t like it. Who knows, I may even throw in a tutorial here and there as I learn how to use it.

But really, isn’t writing supposed to be fun and enjoyable? It kind of makes me wonder if WordPress was trying to make blogging more difficult. I don’t appreciate them trying to force me to become a developer (or having to pay someone else to). I just want to write.

We shall see: time will tell. The proof is in the pudding. And all that stuff.

(But I’m still a firm believer in “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”)

Write Or Wrong?

For the last few weeks and months, I’ve been pondering how to deal with my growing list of things to do. I’ve started thinking about what I can do long-term, and what that would impact in my daily life. And as I discussed previously, there’s no end of things to do, and everything I do takes away from something else.

But when I shift my focus long-term, things look a little different. Playing music (even part-time) doesn’t seem to be a reasonable thing for residual income. I probably still would do it because I enjoy it so much. But long-term income, probably not. That would require a lot of travel, working through weekends and missing church (and my family) a lot.

In comparison, writing fiction novels is something I could see myself doing long-term. It doesn’t require a lot of travel (though going to conventions could happen). It can be done whenever I want, however I want, and can eventually bring in residual income.

It would require a lot of work up front, however. If I made any money, I’d have to incorporate again (which I’ve done before) and it would mean filing taxes quarterly, keeping track of everything for deductions, and a lot of work that isn’t actually writing. Continue reading “Write Or Wrong?”

The Drunk Monkey Mind

One of my daily struggles is trying to decide what creative pursuits I’ll spend my time on. And believe me when I say there’s no shortage of creative things the right side of my brain is telling me to do.

But just because I can do something doesn’t mean it’s necessary. In fact, more often than not, it takes time away from more important things I need to do.

Ultimately, this deals with my subconscious mind: what’s been called “The Drunk Monkey” mind. Most people’s subconscious mind operates in two modes: keeping you alive by avoiding danger, and keeping you alive by seeking out big game to hunt.

I heard a story about a young woman who was recently killed while standing around at a highway rest stop by a rogue flying 18-wheeler tire. Just standing there, and WHAM! Truck tire in the face. Dead. My subconscious- my “drunk monkey mind”- says “Great! Now every time you’re near a highway you have to look for flying tires.” It is desperately afraid of everything. This is the “avoiding danger” part of the monkey. It’s trying to keep me alive despite my best efforts to live. Continue reading “The Drunk Monkey Mind”

Adrenalinn III Review: Part 2

This is a continuation of the Adrenalinn III pedal review, you can see the previous installment here. This time, we’re going to look at the pedal’s effects, i.e. delay, reverb, compression, and modulation. The reverb and delay are pretty basic, so we’ll spend most of our time looking at the spectacular modulation effects. If you’re a fan of John Mayer, you’ve probably heard this pedal’s modulation- it’s the pedal he uses on the songs Bigger Than My Body, Heartbreak Warfare, and I Don’t Trust Myself.

The way the pedal routes the signal internally can be changed to a certain extent: you can change the order of Amp, Mod, and Compressor in the chain. Delay and Reverb always come last (partly because you can also route the drum machine through delay/reverb). The compressor can be used pre-amp as a sort of clean boost, or after as a limiter.
Continue reading “Adrenalinn III Review: Part 2”

Small Thinking, Small Focus

One of the things I’ve noticed recently is how myopic and narrow-minded people have become about everything. I mean, if you have an opinion about anything, someone out there wants to rake you over the coals for it. Don’t like animals? Someone hates you for that. Love animals? Someone else hates you for that. Doesn’t matter what you think, somebody is ready and willing to vehemently disagree.

But where did this come from? I’m old enough that I can remember things weren’t always this way. Why is everyone suddenly enraged about the stupidest little things? Why aren’t people’s well-established opinions respected at all any more? Why does anyone else even care what I eat, or wear, or think?

Simply put, I think it’s because people have been trained to hyperfocus their anger. The current generation is the product of decades of targeted marketing, social media, and manufactured outrage. They think small. Their focus is small.

I think what’s happened is that when people realized that the World’s problems were bigger than they could handle, they hyper-focused on one thing they would become champions for. And they will defend it to the death. Continue reading “Small Thinking, Small Focus”

Passing The Torch

Sometimes God speaks to you through really weird circumstances. And sometimes He just shows you something that was there all along, but you didn’t really notice.

Last night, I was watching the Pixar movie Cars 3. It was pretty funny, but it dealt with some interesting stuff (for a supposed “kid’s” movie). In it, Lightning McQueen begins losing races to a bunch of new up-and-coming racers who are tech-savvy, strong, and just plain faster than him. And of course, he mopes about it for a while, but then decides to try and beat them at their own game by training like them.

And as can be expected, it doesn’t work for McQueen. In his quest to find his “missing mojo” he runs across Doc Hudson’s old mentor, who informs him that as much as Doc loved racing, his biggest achievement and joy was training McQueen to carry on his legacy and passion for racing.

And as I sat there watching the credits roll, I was reminded of how true this is for anyone who’s getting older, and who feels their dream has eluded them. Like me.

Sometimes, like in King David’s life, God says (I’m paraphrasing) “You’ve served me well, and you’ve been faithful in starting construction of the Temple, but it is not your place to finish it. Your son will complete the Temple.” (This is in David’s speech in 1 Chronicles 28 before he appoints Solomon as the new King.)

I thought about all the years I’ve spent dedicating myself to music ministry, how much I love it, and how much passion I have for worship. How desperately I longed to be able to lead worship for a living. And despite this, God said to me “You may never get the chance to travel the world and play music for a living, but you can train up the next generation to do it.

And truth be told, that means I have to love the act of God being worshiped more than I love to worship God on my own. I need to get over the idea that nobody else can meet that need. I have to want to see younger worship leaders grow- I can’t keep my knowledge and experience to myself. Continue reading “Passing The Torch”

Where Is Your Joy?

Sometimes I  grow weary of writing about the same things over and over. But that’s what I know.

I don’t really want to spend all my time writing about current events or politics, because honestly, I don’t care. I only watch enough to prepare myself. No amount of shouting from the rooftops will prevent the coming societal breakdown, if there is one in my lifetime.

I mostly write about creative pursuits, because I’m a creative kind of guy. So where does that leave me when I’m not really working on any specific creative projects?

Well, I’ve had some really good discussions lately with a younger friend and aspiring writer. We’ve spent some time going through plot structure, motivations, story mechanics, and all sorts of interesting things. And it’s kind of gotten me interested in writing fiction again. And there’s no end of half-completed stories I could work on.

I’ve also been inspired to make ambient guitar music by Bill of Chords of Orion (I highly recommend his Youtube channel, he’s the Bob Ross of guitar). He issued a challenge to make a simple, 5-song EP using whatever you have laying around. I’ve really been intrigued by this, and I want to give it a shot.

Both of these projects would require a dedication of time, which I am perilously short on. And there’s so many other things I want to do- which is always the case- and so I have to choose what gets done and what doesn’t. An exercise routine also needs to go in that mix.

I think for starters, making a 5-song ambient guitar EP would be the fastest and easiest. I could complete this in a couple of weeks. It wouldn’t be spectacular of course, but would be enough of a challenge to get my feet wet.

The book ideas, though, will require much more time. World-building, character and plot development, and actually writing it should take several months, at best.

Do I want to dedicate an entire year of free time to writing, editing, and publishing another book? I guess that depends on what I hope to get out of it. For me to make any money at it would require immediately writing another one- and then another one after that. Almost nobody makes a career out of writing a single book. So if I were doing it for any other reason than “I just want to” it would mean years of dedicating myself to writing. And as much of a challenge as that would be, I’m not sure I’d be up for it.

Of course, if I spent that same amount of time making an album instead, who knows what it would be like? Probably decent, but what would the creative process look like?

The Process of Finding Joy

Ultimately, I could do either one. I’m perfectly capable of writing another book or making an album. But which one would bring me more joy and life?

I think for me, making music is something that I’m not only good at, but I’m also passionate about. And as I’ve written about recently, instead of submerging myself in Contemporary worship music, I should be singing my own song to God. Which means I need to start writing down some of the many song ideas I’ve had over the last 20 years.

Can I shape them into some kind of music that satisfies me? Would anyone else like it? I don’t know, but I have an itch I need to scratch.

The Nine Laws: Part Seven

If you haven’t read my previous installments on The Nine Laws, you can start here. In essence, I’ve read through The Nine Laws by Ivan Throne, and I decided that the book was interesting and impacting enough that I should go into a detailed breakdown of each law, and expound my opinion on how it relates to Christianity.

Today we’re going to examine the Seventh Law: Power.

If you haven’t read The Nine Laws (and I’d recommend you do), Mr. Throne explains the division and unity of Thought, Word, and Deed. He explains how ultimate purpose can be achieved when all three of these are in harmony.

On a more traditional philosophical level, these roughly correlate to Spirit, Mind, and Body. And as created beings, we are uniquely spiritual, in the sense that animals do not have Divine Purpose; they simply follow programming. Humans alone posses the faculties to connect with the Divine.

Since the Seventh Law is Power, we’ll address power in each of these three areas, as they are separate yet related. In our Dark Triad traits, Power manifests itself as:

Narcissism: Prerogative arises from possession.​
Machiavellianism: Subtle tendrition arises from the core.​
Psychopathy: Absence of ego in the cutting through.​

Note: When Mr. Throne speaks of the Dark Triad, he’s referring to them in the purest sense. We often see them used for selfish reasons, which is caused when one or more of the traits are abused or allowed to interact without restraint. However, most of the greatest men in history displayed all three of these traits prominently. It stands to reason that when used in the right proportions, for the right purpose, they are a maelstrom of natural force to be reckoned with. This is the goal Mr. Throne encourages us to attain: achieving our purpose using the Dark World’s own laws against itself. And the only way to do that is by understanding how the laws work.

We’ll work through the analysis of Power exhibited through Thought, Word, and Deed, because the Spiritual aspect of it, while being the least understood, is the most important. I want to make sure we address it fully.

Jesus touches on this idea (and a few others) in Luke 14: Continue reading “The Nine Laws: Part Seven”

Pedalboard or Laptop?

This is what I’m currently using to play guitar in church. It looks kind of complicated, but there’s a method to the madness.

One of the goals I’ve had for this pedalboard since I started building it was to create a one-man-band busking/performance setup. And with this last piece, I’m very close.

I added a Digitech Jamman Solo XT- but not for looping. No, I still need a looper that can sync to MIDI clock, and there’s only a few on the market. I’ll probably end up getting a TC Ditto X4, or a Pigtronix Infinity for that. The Jamman is for running backing tracks. That’s right, I can load up the SD card in it with .wav files, and use it for background pads, full-blown tracks, or whatever. I can even run click tracks on one side if I have to run a full backing track.

Of course, minimalism is something I consider an art form. And this board isn’t very minimal. In fact, it’s getting pretty big. And it makes me wonder, “Should I replace it with a single thing?”

But the only things I can find that would do what this board does would be either a laptop, or something like a TC Helicon Voicelive 3 Extreme. Neither one is a cheap alternative.

If my goal is to lead music solo, then this board is moving in the right direction. But there’s still more it could do: I can add vocal effects, and a programmable MIDI controller, and a switcher, and a looper…

At this point, I have more money tied up in these pedals than I do in all my guitars and amp put together. But would it be simpler to just sell all of that and use a laptop? Could that even be a possibility? Continue reading “Pedalboard or Laptop?”