I recently reviewed Ivan Throne’s The Nine Laws, and while I tried to encompass as much about the book as I could, there’s just no way I could cram everything I wanted to say about it into a single blog post. I promised my devoted readers that I would delve into each of the Nine Laws individually, and so, we’ve come to Week One: The First Law.
The First Law is Survival
Simply put: if you’re dead, you can’t do much of anything. Therefore the First Rule of the Dark World is “you have to survive.”
Is this in opposition to the Christian faith? Hardly. At the very core of Godly beliefs is the sanctity of life. We are created in the image of God, and so our very existence is a proclamation to the veracity and tenaciousness of life as we know it.
“But Sensei,” I can hear you saying, “doesn’t it also say in the Holy Word that those who lose their lives will gain it? And those who are first shall be last? Wasn’t Jesus a pacifist?”
The Scripture says:
“For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” – Matthew 16:25 (also in Luke 9:24 and Mark 8:35, emphasis mine)
Jesus very clearly says that anyone giving up their life for His sake will find it. And by “find it” Jesus didn’t mean suddenly not being dead anymore. No, He means giving up your physical life for Jesus’ sake means securing eternal reward. But the inverse isn’t so clear: does Jesus mean if we try to save our own physical lives, we’ll lose our eternal ones? Continue reading “The Nine Laws: Part One”