Have Computers Ruined Music?

After watching Rick Beato’s video “How Computers Ruined Rock Music” I had to sit down and think about music, and how it impacts me. Beato obviously knows what he’s talking about, and is good at producing tracks. But does the idea that “rock music was ruined by computers” ring true?

Well, sort of.

If you expand the idea of “computers” to technology in general, then no, it hasn’t ruined rock music. Without some of the technology we have now, things like the Digitech Whammy wouldn’t exist (and neither would Rage Against The Machine’s iconic sound). There wouldn’t be John Mayer’s “Bigger Than My Body.” We wouldn’t have affordable synthesizers and amplifiers and effects. Technology has come up with some amazing tools for making music, which have greatly impacted rock-n-roll for the better.

But on the production side, I think Beato is very much correct: Perfection is the enemy of Good. He goes into great detail explaining why editing songs so that every part is perfectly on beat and in tune ruins the “feel” of the song. He’s absolutely right.

Music performance, as an art form, is being over-produced into oblivion by the Photoshop generation.

Continue reading “Have Computers Ruined Music?”

Coming Out Of The Clouds

Doing more thinking about minimalism (surprise!).

I was looking at cloud storage alternatives out there, and was thinking about the ones I’ve used in the past. Evernote, Google Drive, Dropbox, and now (self-hosted) ownCloud.
(Edit: How could I forget the ill-fated Ubuntu One? It was gone too soon.)

Back in the day, we had what were called “file servers.” They weren’t cloud servers, or blades, or fairy-dusted unicorn farts (or whatever the Cloud claims to be now). They were old computers sitting in a closet, running Windows 98 (or NT 4 if you were swanky) with a simple folder share. You backed up your stuff to that, nothing else. Every once in a blue moon, you would make a backup of that backup, for good measure.

But the idea of “cloud computing” is just file servers, on the internet, served over bloated www API’s. They just transfer documents back and forth. The nicer ones have revision history, or built-in note tools and such. But in the end, they’re pretty much just file servers. You’d still need end-to-end encryption, but that does you no good if the cloud providers are compromised- and they often are.

So I got to thinking, “do I really need the cloud at all?”

And of course, the answer is, no.

We, as consumers, have bought into the idea that we need all this cloud stuff, and I understand the frontend packaging is slick. But it’s just not really necessary for me.

Could I use a file server? Sure. On the internet? Yeah, I could make a secure FTP site, or something to that effect. SSH or whatever. Doesn’t have to be a web interface, doesn’t need a slick front end, and doesn’t need a monthly fee. Just a good old-fashioned secure VPN would be good enough.

On top of that, my ownCloud server runs on a database, which is slow. Can’t run it on cheap old hardware. I just need a simple computer with a big hard drive. And apps? Don’t really need them, other than whatever I used to create the document with.

Anyway, there’s plenty of stuff I can simplify on my end. One of my (long standing) projects is to go through all the old backups I have and delete all the digital crap I don’t need. Save what I can use, delete the rest. Pretend it never existed- imaginary housefire style.

(I once read minimalist decluttering described as an “imaginary house fire” where when people would ask “what happened to item X?” they would just respond “Oh, we lost that in the fire.” That blog post has since been lost to the obscurity of the “not-on-google’s-first-results-page” web.)

More to come. Work is progressing slowly on my static website and gopherhole, but that will happen sooner than later.

Friday Musings

I’m coming up on my birthday this weekend. I’ll be 45. I know it’s just a number, but I know there’s things I have to work through.

I know I need to simplify my life… I’ve been writing for years on minimlism, but I need to put more of it into practice. I moved the G4 Mac to my coffee table today. I’m thinking I might still give the iMac to Andy… there’s not much it can do that my laptop can’t. And in the case that the laptop dies, I can just get another one. That’s just less stuff I have to work with. I could just use a decent monitor with my laptop (any laptop) instead.

Minimalism. What does it really mean? I slimmed down my phone, removed as much junk as I could. I’m scaling back my website so I don’t have to worry about constantly fixing it, or updating it from hackers. I just want stuff to work. I want to find the Rambler a better home(sort of, I still like it). I would like to take that money and put it into playing music and furthering my ministry. Lord knows, there’s plenty of music gear I could use. But even that: how much is enough?

And what is my ministry? What exactly is it that God wants me to do? Do I even know?? Should I consider myself qualified? No- I’m not qualified. But God will work through my weakness. I need to remember that. Even when I fail- sometimes daily- God wants me to seek him and believe in his salvation for me. If I don’t really believe in his work on the cross, can I really understand his love for me? Can I really know his heart, if I can’t accept his gift freely?

Freedom- freedom from things, freedom from fear, religion, from condemnation, and shame. Freedom from guilt- not guilt from my sin, but from feeling guilty for being who I am.

I think I really do have a worship pastor’s heart, but only God can make that happen in my life. And I haven’t been very faithful. Not in my heart, not in my actions, not in my mind. Not in my body. In fact, I’m a pretty horrible person by God’s standards, so it’s really hard for me to understand his love for me in spite of that.

I need to pray for God to show me his love for me the way he sees me, not the way I see myself.

I think I like journaling with mostly text. The Gopher server project is coming along nicely, and I expect to have it up and running shortly. I might need a better keyboard if I get back into writing, though. This one is better than nothing, but it kind of sucks.

Okay. Will post more soon.
(This post was composed in RedNotebook, and copy-and-pasted into WordPress.)

Digitech Jamman Replacing Ableton Live

Music/guitar nerd alert.

I rebuilt my guitar pedalboard a while back, and one of the things I added was a DigiTech Jamman Solo XT pedal, with a homemade 3-button remote switch.

The DigiTech Jamman Solo is a solid little looping pedal- it records input and plays it back, like a looping tape recorder. There are plenty of looping pedals out there, but I picked the Jamman for a specific reason: it has a 32 GB micro-SD card you can store about 10 hours of .wav files on.

I saw someone was using one to play ambient backing pads for a church service, and it got me thinking. I’ve been spending a lot of time researching software (like Ableton Live) that can seamlessly play backing tracks on command, including the ability to move back and forth between sections in a song, and transitions.

I immediately thought “why couldn’t I do that with the Jamman?”

So I did a little experiment. Continue reading “Digitech Jamman Replacing Ableton Live”

My How You’ve Grown

I was looking at specs for my shiny “new” Mac G4, fresh out of 1999. I mean, it sold for around $1600 when it was new! I loaded it up with 1.25 GB of RAM, a fresh HD, and man, this thing is rocking!

Well, sort of.

That’s when I realized that a new Raspberry Pi 3 B+, which costs about $60 including a 32GB flash card and a power supply, is faster. It’s also way smaller, more power efficient, quieter, and generally better in every way.

Except it’s not a Mac G4, and it can’t run OSX (which, arguably, the G4 can’t really run now either).

The RaspPi is based on ARM architecture. It comes with four (4!) CPU cores, 1GB of RAM (running at 400 Mhz), n-band WiFi, Bluetooth, and HDMI with hi-def audio built into it. For $40.

My Mac G4 was also about $40 once I souped it up. It has a single 400 Mhz CPU, and 1.25 GB of RAM (running at 100Mhz). Everything else is pretty much on par, more or less.

But gosh darn it, I just like the G4. I like the “ooohm” sound it makes when you turn it on. I like looking at it. Sure, it’s a little noisy. But it has clear handles! And a DVD drive which isn’t fast enough to play movies on. And 64-bit PCI card slots. And did I mention the cool boot-up sound it makes? It’s like magic.


I know progress is never-ending. But you know, it makes me think:

If most people can get by with using a Raspberry Pi as a very basic computer- which is what it’s aimed at- then what’s wrong with using a 20-year-old Mac for the same purpose if their performance is even closely comparable?

Seriously though, I’m going to have to get one of these Pi 3’s. Would make a killer little NAS file/cloud server.

Digital Minimalism

As funny as it seems, there is an entire movement that exists to resist advancement and innovation in technology. There have been books written about it, movies made about it, and who knows what else. It’s called “Neo-Luddism” though I don’t necessarily subscribe to it. However, there are several reasons for resisting technology and wanting to go back to the way things used to be:

  1. The new thing isn’t really better than the old one, it’s just more expensive
  2. The new thing does one thing better, but everything else worse
  3. The new thing requires you to upgrade other things you didn’t want to upgrade
  4. The new thing requires more personal sacrifice than you’re willing to give

There are examples of this in every aspect of the marketplace now. Even when buying a car, the car is “connected” and wants to pair with your phone, your personal information, and possibly share that with the manufacturer- and you can’t turn that off. And when the marketplace only has vehicles with these “features” you don’t really get a choice. As I’ve said before, freedom is choice, and when you’re only offered choices you don’t want, you’re not really free.

This is the driving force behind Digital Minimalism: choice and freedom.

Continue reading “Digital Minimalism”

Adrenalinn III Review: Part 3

This is the third (of 3) installment on the Adrenalinn III effects pedal, by Roger Linn Designs. This will cover the drum machine and MIDI implementation on the pedal, and wrap it up with a summary. I hope you’ve enjoyed it so far!

The drum machine in this little box is, for all intents and purposes, pretty decent. It’s not as good as a full-blown drum sequencer, but the plus side is that it’s pretty easy to use, and can be controlled right there with your feet. If you want to run a small musical group without a drummer, this is a definite possibility.

It basically only plays 4 sounds (or variations of sounds) at a time. Bass, snare, hi-hat, and percussion (which can be a ride cymbal, shaker, triangle, cowbell, etc). This is enough to give you pretty basic beats. It also allows you to pass the drum sounds through the effects section of the pedal, so you can use reverb, delay, treble filter, and distortion on the drums. This is nice if you want to “tweak” the sound for that gritty “in the stairwell” drum feel, like on Led Zeppelin albums. The distortion also works pretty well with the TS808 sampler beats, as it gives it a lo-fi sound.

The sequencer lets you do 2 measures of 8th or 16th notes. It can also do 3/4 measures, and swing patterns. You program the beats on the main control panel of the pedal. It’s a bit klunky, but it does work.

When programming the beat, each sound has a volume set for each time it’s triggered (9 volume increments), which gives you some flexibility.


The downside to having a drum machine in your pedal is that you really can’t run stereo out into stereo effects afterwards. The AdrenaLinn does have stereo outs, yes. You can split the guitar and drum sounds into the Left or Right channels, but that eliminates using any stereo effects *within* the pedal. 

Continue reading “Adrenalinn III Review: Part 3”

The Increasing Irrelevancy of Digital Technology

I’ll admit it, I’m a nerd. A geek extraordinaire. A pseudo-hacker-wannabe.

But I hate using digital technology.

Let me clarify: I love the idea of technology. But I can’t stand the way it’s being, and has been, developed.

When I was young, I devoured sci-fi books by great authors such as Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, and so forth. I was absolutely enraptured by the idea of what technology could theoretically do. Robots, artificial intelligence, space travel, and all sorts of fantastic things. Along came Star Trek, Doctor Who, and Star Wars, and it seemed like our bright future was right around the corner. And you have to understand, we were all waiting for that utopia. We wanted it to become reality.

Then we started noticing the warning signs. George Orwell’s 1984. Films like Blade Runner, Ghost In the Shell, (the original, not the live-action remake) and even The Matrix warned us of possible ultimate end-game scenarios. It was exhilarating, yes, but also a dark foreshadowing of the consequences of technology.

Fast-forward thirty years. Now we have smartphones, internet-connected fridges, self-driving auto-updating cars, toasters that can tweet, and absolutely none of it does what I thought technology was supposed to do: make life simpler. The idea was that computers and technology were supposed to take care of the mundane things, so that people could get back to just enjoying life. But that’s not what happened at all.

Continue reading “The Increasing Irrelevancy of Digital Technology”

Macwards Compatible

I recently had a discussion about Apple products with a friend. As usual when I discuss Apple, it reminded me of how much control companies have over our overall technological experience.

I recently picked up a vintage Power Mac G4 (a Graphite G4 AGP, for those wondering), and the first thing I thought of was “what OS should I put on it?”

If you’ve read my blog for any amount of time, you’d know that I’m a proponent of Linux, and I knew Ubuntu at one point had a distro made for PowerPC-based computers, so I started digging. And what I found kind of both disgusted me, and confirmed what I knew about Apple all along.

Time warp: I remember, back in the late 90’s, when they first introduced Mac OS X. It was a huge slap in the face of Microsoft at the time, because it signaled a transition to a “real” operating system, based on Unix. Which of course meant that it was stable, fast, and easily extended. And then of course, Apple took the very best things about Unix, locked them down, and made it into a proprietary platform that was (in some ways) worse than Microsoft Windows.

Continue reading “Macwards Compatible”

New Directions

I feel like God is drawing me into wanting to do music ministry full time. I don’t know what that will look like yet.

I don’t know if that’s something I need to go back to school for, and I’m not really thrilled about that. It would be exciting, but at the same time… I don’t feel like I could do it with my current job.

I really like my current job, but I know it is not my life’s calling. I would much rather teach music and lead worship for a living. But how can I do that? I can’t just quit my job. Not yet, at least.

What would that (going back into music ministry) look like? How could I (understanding it’s not me) make that happen? Why is God showing me this? Why is God giving me a desire to make worship my career, after so many years of me saying “I will never do professional music ministry again”? Can I do that without sacrificing my heart? I want to be pure in motivation. I never want to make money worshipping. But I would love to be able to do that all the time.

Continue reading “New Directions”