Posts With Lasers

As someone with- how shall I say it- “questionable” focusing ability, I’m always fighting the urge to allow myself to be distracted. Thanks to the internet and social media, there’s never a shortage of distractions.

Gee, thanks, internet.

What I need is Laser Focus. And I don’t have it, not even close. But it is possible for me to focus for short periods of time, say, an hour or so.

I’ll be honest, I’m tired a lot. That’s mostly because I don’t get enough sleep, which compounds my focusing problem. But something has to give, right? I just can’t sleep 8 hours and take over the world. So I’m going to update the Blog® as often as I can without lowering the quality of my posts. Where does that balance lie? I guess I’ll have to find out. For now I’ll be working on material for some nonfiction books, and I’ll post some of that here when I can (hint: some of it is already posted!) and I need to focus more on that.

Eventually, I will get back into posting daily during the week. My posts for The Badass Forge have died down due to the other authors not posting anything recently, and I didn’t want to be spamming the whole thing with just my writing. I’m hoping that will pick up again, too, because that can all be used for nonfiction purposes.

I’ve got lots of things to write about: book reviews, music stuff, Linux stuff, Bible stuff, cycling/fitness, and who knows what else.

To be able to focus, I have to be able to see clearly, and to do that, I have to get rest.