The Nine Laws: Part Nine

In this (very lengthy) discussion of Ivan Throne’s The Nine Laws, we’ve covered a lot of ground. You can read my review of the book here, and the rest of the parts are here:

Today we’re going to discuss the Ninth Law: No Laws.

I already know what you’re thinking. “What the heck! No Laws? What kind of trick is this?”

No tricks. “There are no laws” refers to the fact that the Dark World doesn’t care what the laws are. It just does what it does. Man-made laws mean nothing to the Dark World, or those who live by it. Man’s Law is a simple mental construct, with nothing of binding value unless you can back it up with force. The law itself is simply an idea, a concept, a deterrent, and has no power in and of itself, unless someone acts on it.

  • Narcissism: Infinite prerogative of power.
  • Machiavellianism: Infinite freedom of posture.
  • Psychopathy: The Mind and Eyes of God.

We chose our paths, we decide to pursue something, and we pay for it, one way or the other. Sometimes God intervenes, and we just don’t recognize it. If we don’t recognize it, it’s not that God wasn’t there… we just weren’t paying attention.

When we finally put ego to death and can exercise the Dark Triad in its fullness, then we achieve the fullness of who God made us to be. Not ignoring God’s laws- but only listening to God’s laws. In reality, when we follow God’s purpose 100%, we will come in direct conflict with the Dark World’s laws. The Dark World, by nature, is opposed to things of God.

“Aren’t you promoting lawlessness?”

The phrase “No Laws” sounds like it. But this isn’t the point at all- I wouldn’t promote anarchy. That’s not what this is about.

There are things we call “laws” that our reality is inherently based on. Gravity. Conservation of energy. Mathematics. These things were put in place at the foundation of the universe by the Creator Himself. And as such, God can actively suspend any of these laws He created if He wants to. There are many examples of God “breaking” His own laws of nature throughout the Bible. These are usually called “miracles.”

But you know what laws God doesn’t break? The laws of justice, righteousness, and love. His perfect realization of those things is what drives us as Christians to seek God’s favor and presence. God’s very nature doesn’t change.

When Ivan Throne speaks of “No Laws,” I think he is referring to the way God’s natural laws are there for our good, yet God is able to suspend them when necessary. But the laws of God’s nature do not change.

Think of it this way:

Laws are things you cannot change. Rules are things you follow, but can change or avoid if necessary.

Things we consider laws, like gravity, are just rules to God. He created them.

The only real “laws” in the universe are things like God’s attributes, or mankind’s spiritual nature- these are things that cannot change because that’s just what they are.

In Calculus, we call these “definitions” because all they do is define a known truth, and we base all our other assumptions on what we know is true.

Everywhere else in life, “laws” are just rules with very strong consequences. It’s against the law to shoot someone without reason. But there’s nothing stopping you from doing it, except the knowledge that there will be a very severe consequence if you do.

When people obey the law, it’s usually done without thinking. You may have been driving with someone, and they said “Hey! You’re speeding! Slow down!” They view it as a law- something immutable, unchanging, unavoidable. They think it’s unconscionable to break that “law.” But in reality, what you’ve done is weighed the risk, decided it wasn’t a large enough risk to worry about it, and put your foot down. Most likely, you knew you were speeding, but you’re only going 5MPH over the limit, and you’ve decided that the risk of being stopped for going 5 over is so low that it isn’t an issue.

They view it as a law- you view it as a rule, made by men, because that’s what it is. You do not have an attachment to or misplaced respect for the law; it is merely one of many causes and effects in the world that you are aware of. In reality, the law- just an idea on paper- is a deterrent, not a force of nature.

The goal here isn’t to justify breaking those rules. The end goal is to recognize that man-made rules don’t limit your potential for success. Your own mind limits your potential. Your acceptance of men’s laws as absolute limits your ability to be successful- because you use them to unconsciously limit yourself. The actual law/rule has nothing to do with your success, or lack thereof.

What does this have to do with me?

The Dark World does not respect the laws of men; it only respects the immutable laws of God’s and man’s character. If you want to be successful, you must work through chains of cause and effect without the illusion of superficial meaning applied to them.

I am not talking about merely disobeying traffic laws. This isn’t about traffic tickets, or even manslaughter. Think bigger.

The rules I’m talking about are the unspoken ones- the ones that say “masculine men are dangerous” or “we shouldn’t cross the Delaware river to attack British troops on Christmas day.” The ones that say “confrontation is bad” or “success only comes to the morally bankrupt” or “I shouldn’t post these 95 thesis to the church’s door.” You know what they are- you’ve spoken them to yourself numerous times. That’s what keeps you from applying for a better job, or really going for that pretty girl, or chasing a promotion that will improve your quality of life.

But don’t be mistaken: This isn’t about bending the rules to get what you want.

This is about not limiting yourself before you even have a chance to achieve anything.

But aren’t Christians supposed to do without?

People have the mistaken notion that God magically gives them everything they want- but scripture doesn’t say that. This isn’t about “stuff.”

Other people think that the only way to get what they want is to play dirty and take the advantage every chance they get. This doesn’t really capture it either, though.

Jesus wasn’t a fan of people who imposed man-made laws on others, but refused to follow it themselves:

Jesus replied, “And you experts in the law, woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them.” – Luke 11:46

The Pharisees were religious leaders who insisted the people under them follow their man-made laws, while neglecting the immutable laws of God’s nature: justice and love.

“Woe to you Pharisees, because you give God a tenth of your mint, rue and all other kinds of garden herbs, but you neglect justice and the love of God. You should have practiced the latter without leaving the former undone. – Luke 11:42

The people hadn’t agreed to the Pharisee’s laws; but they were expected to follow them, by people who wouldn’t follow God’s laws.

Are you grudgingly following “laws” you’re expected to follow, given by people who selectively ignore them? How is that limiting your ability to follow your purpose?

Make a list of things you’ve been told are “expected” from you, that will prevent you from following your God-given purpose.

Then choose to follow God instead.